Why you should pursue speaking opportunities at trade shows and industry events.

There are several ways that you can boost your return on investment at trade shows and industry events. In this article, we will discuss why applying for and considering speaking opportunities at trade shows or industry events is one great way to maximize your return.
Thought Leadership
Speaking at a trade show or industry event highlights and increases your thought leadership and credibility. This positions not only you, but your company, as experts in the field. This gain in credibility helps to reinforce your company to existing or former customers and introduce your company to new prospects. This type of thought leadership can put your company at an advantage over the competition.
When you are speaking, you also have the opportunity to demonstrate how your product or service can benefit current and prospective customers. You have the un-divided attention of the audience. At your trade show booth, you typically only have a few seconds to a few minutes to engage the prospect and educate them about your company.
Targeted Attendees
In most cases, you have the ability to determine the topic for your speaking engagement. This means you are able to select a popular topic that will draw your target audience. Those that attended your speaking engagement are more likely to visit your exhibit. This means that you have your target audience more likely to visit your exhibit for more information.
Free Marketing
The trade show or industry event that you will be speaking at typically announces its speakers and topics on its website, social media channels and more. Take advantage and share the news on your own website and social channels. Sending an invitation to current clients and prospects can help boost attendance and build your authority at the same time. Encourage attendees to stop at your booth after your speech for a special ‘give-away’.
Exposure & Networking
Speaking allows you to gain exposure. There are usually often speaker lounges that allow for networking, etc. you get in with more people in your industry and more people learn who you are and what you do and associate you as a leader in your industry through your speaking engagement.
Be Remembered
Information is everywhere. At trade shows or industry events, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. When you are on stage speaking, sharing your knowledge and expertise in your industry, people will see you. If you deliver information that is engaging and relevant to them, they will remember you. This increases your chances at greater brand awareness and positioning yourself and your company as an expert in your industry.
Conclusion: Why pursuing speaking opportunities at trade shows is important
Although it can be overwhelming to think about speaking at an industry event or trade show, the reward can be tremendous. Consider looking into pursuing speaking opportunities at trade shows or industry events to maximize your return on investment. Typically you must submit your proposal at least 6 to 9 months in advance of the event and even sooner in some instances.
Thanks for mentioning networking with leaders in the industry and learning about them. I’m going to a trade show next month and I am wondering what kind of booth we should have for our company. I’ll have to ask others who have been to that event to see what I should expect.